Atheist If you're interested in atheism, astronomy and the various projects that distract me from YouTube, you really should sign up to Twitter and gimme a follow! I can update it from my phone and link you to all the cool stuff I find. :o ] All photos and music my own. Please share this video if you like it.
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25 Responses to Atheist

  1. kiemul136 says:

    @theantinatalist Because its beautiful, that’s enough of a reason.

    If you can look at a true masterpiece and say that it’s beauty is an “illusion” then you have just proven my point: you are emotionally retarded.

  2. kiemul136 says:

    @theantinatalist I think I’m safe to say that very few people share your incredibly depressing out look of the world and the vast majority are optimists. I know I certainly am. Also thanks for admitting and confirming that you are a cynical, snobby and condescending piece of shit. I mean at least your honest.

  3. kiemul136 says:

    @theantinatalist Suffering is an evolved biological defense mechanism, how is it not natural? And to say if we can’t have everything then life isn’t worth living is an attitude of a child in a toy shop, grow up! If you want to eliminate suffering, as I do, then donate to charity or do some volunteer work, it may not accomplish much but is sure of a heck more productive then sitting behind a computer whining about it!

  4. theantinatalist says:

    @kiemul136 To use suffering as a reason for reducing and preventing as much of it as possible is only “perverse” in that it is unnatural, which is no reason to discount it.

    You and I are deprived of many things we want but don’t have. If we had never been born we would never have experienced such deprivation.

    Sadist? I want to prevent and eliminate suffering. Recognising the pointlessness of a sentient animal doesn’t rationally lead to ignoring or torturing that sentience.

  5. theantinatalist says:

    @kiemul136 There is nothing “intrinsic” about the value which people derive from Shakespeare. Some people hate his work. Some people love it. I count myself in the latter category but I’m intelligent enough to now that it’s value to me is no more or less important than the value a teenage girl derives from listening to justin beiber.

  6. kiemul136 says:

    @theantinatalist Suffering is an survival mechanism. To use is at a reason for wanting to do the opposite is “perverse”. Your positive experience have been deprived because you are in a state of sentient existence? That doesn’t even make sense. You sound more like a sadist as all you go on about is pointlessness, futility, despair and negativity. Go and strangle a puppy because after all isn’t its existence pointless?

  7. theantinatalist says:

    @kiemul136 A painting can’t suffer. It has no needs. Why should a rational person care about the existence or non-existence of such an object which has no welfare?

    Art’s only worth is found in the irrational and subjective preferences of humans. These feelings matter to the individual of course, but they are based on the illusion of “beauty”.

  8. theantinatalist says:

    @kiemul136 DNA’s products are complicated and (to many people) fascinating.

    But to confer the term “ingenious” onto something with no mind and no self-aware intention is at least deliberately confusing and at worst pure madness.

    “Non-random” chance also seems like a fuzzy concept. There are easier ways to describe natural selection.

    Evolutions results are not “towards improvement”, they are towards the increased likelihood of survival and reproduction.

  9. kiemul136 says:

    @theantinatalist Firstly, DNA is ingenious. Its a biological blueprint that can code for something as primitive, yet brilliant, as an bacterium to something that is so sophisticated, it can question is own existence: us. Evolution IS built upon chance, however, its non-random in the sense that it’s results are towards improvement. So I stand UN-corrected. As for your “futility” point: so what if we didn’t NEED to exist, I WANT to exist and I’m sorry that you don’t.

  10. kiemul136 says:

    @theantinatalist I agree life is objectify pointless but so is a painting, does that stop it being beautiful? Does that mean it’s worth nothing? You must be extremely emotionally retarded to think otherwise…

  11. kiemul136 says:

    @theantinatalist You sound like someone who can read Shakespeare and think it “futile” rather than admire its intrinsic beauty. Or gaze out into space thinking nothing but its worthlessness rather than awe at the destruction that makes life possible. And for that I legitimately feel deeply sorry for you, and can only hope that one day you’ll wake the fuck up!

  12. theantinatalist says:

    A self-centered person would know about unintelligent design and the horrors produced by it and still consider all the suffering that has ever happened (holocaust, factory farming, the cannibalism of nature etc.) to be an acceptable loss on the road to nowhere (as most “atheists” do).

    I was being entirely truthful about your previous comment. Congratulations about actually trying to form some sort of argument this time (THAT’S condescension).

  13. theantinatalist says:

    @kiemul136 Without life there would be no need for anything and no problems.

    I should be grateful that I am a member of the one species above all others which is most capable of suffering and of being deprived (along with positive experiences which I can only experience deprivation from now that I am already in sentient existence)?

    This is perverse and sadistic in its religiosity.

  14. theantinatalist says:

    @kiemul136 Life IS objectively pointless once you look beyond the self-replication of an unintelligent piece of chemistry called DNA. We are the only species intelligent enough to be able to know this.

    Evolution isn’t built upon chance. This indicates you don’t have much of an understanding of it.

    Futility: “The quality of having no useful result”. Sentience is worse than useless as it creates needs which didn’t need to exist in the first place.

  15. kiemul136 says:

    @theantinatalist I know your opinion. You think life is objectively pointless as it is the result of a cruel, unintelligent system built upon chance. Do you really think that just because we lack purpose, we are therefore futile and meaningless? Sentience is the single greatest thing a collection of atoms can achieve and not to be grateful of inheriting this is absurd and only an incredibly self-centered person would think this and so is proven by your condescending tone.

  16. theantinatalist says:

    @kiemul136 You’re the fourth person who has replied to me with an entirely vacuous comment with no rational content whatsoever. You’re the only one I have bothered to reply to (though for no good reason).

    I’ll give you a second chance. Look at my original comment again and point out any logical inconsistencies or flatout innaccuracies that you can spot. If you respond with more emotive nonsense I’m ignoring you too.


  17. kiemul136 says:

    @theantinatalist WOW. Don’t waste your life being depressed. Think of it this way: when you are on your deathbed, do you what to look back on your life and smile with a great sense of fulfillment or would you sigh with despair at how you wasted it. If you’d rather the latter then I feel sorry for you.

  18. rkyeun says:

    I’m sorry it’s like that for you. I wish I could share my enjoyment with you.

  19. rhynerisdead says:


    what you just wrote is beautiful

  20. ketrel815 says:


  21. RICKYMDOGG says:


    Bad day at work?

  22. theantinatalist says:

    The music? The aesthetically pleasing photos? The smooth voiceover? The bullshit rhetoric about “beauty” as if it’s anything other than a value experienced subjectively?

    This is not the video of a rational or scientific mind.

    This is a “Life is beaufiful” propaganda film.

    Life is not “beautiful”. It is a futile and purposeless accident of blind and unintelligent natural forces which entails immense misery for the lifeforms unlucky enough to be able to experience sentience.

  23. LuckyLukeNZ says:

    Thumbs up brother, keep up the great work!!

  24. darkdragontr says:

    @honestyize the worst thing about freewill is that you can’t prove it, even if you don’t believe in predetermination. Predetermination can tell you that you were determined not to believe in predetermination.
    There is only one thing, you live anyway, life goes on, universe is still here, you can’t stop it, some spend their lives thinking about it, some just try to hang on it. When looked from the outside it is beautiful perfect just made in balance. Amazing universe that convinces you to live

  25. apumpkinful says:

    This video is so much more religious than ANY christian videos I’ve seen in ages.